Hey guys! I've finally started to be able to take pictures on my computer. Some of you may have heard about the issues Macs have with screenshots not saving, and I was having that problem. In the end, I have to take pictures outside of the Sims game. This means pictures of my facilities will be coming soon, but I'm still editing them a bit. There's some parts I completely adore about my facilities and other parts I'm not too fond of, and I want to get all of those fixed before I have official pictures. Sorry guys, I am a perfectionist!
To start, Shadowed Stables is enthused to add a new mare to our stables! Meet SS Remembering Sunday. Sunday is undergoing training with Shadowed Stables very own personal horse trainer, Kelsey Woods.
Also, Shadowed Stables' very first foal crop is finally up! It includes two fillies, SS She's A Lady and SS Double Take.
SS She's A Lady
SS Double Take
I'll be having a foal crop soon! There will be two Tennessee Walking Horses in it. I'll be keeping on of the fillies for myself. I'll be updating the Foal Crops page with how to apply to get one of them, and with the details of course!
Know of any good Pets related CC (especially horse related!)? Please comment with a link to anything you use and think works really well. I've been trying to find more CC for Pets, and I've found some, but I would really like to see some more in my game. Maybe there's just not a lot out yet? I don't know. Thanks in advanced!

This is really just kind of what's on the homepage. I'm known as Sporkayyee on the official Sims 3 site, and I admit to being one of those crazy horse obsessed girls. I ride a Tennessee Walking Horse, and I don't know what I would do without him! He will be the first horse I will be making and uploading, but there have been a few minor setbacks. You see, I am a Mac user and for whatever reason, Macs won't save pictures taken in game. I have possibly found a way around this, so in that case I have no excuses. The first horse shall be coming soon!